Prince: when 'not that great' actually means 'very good'
I've been following Prince's career since he had his last comeback -when he edited Musicology (2004). Listening to such a great album made me listen to his classic albums, and that research led me to become his fan. After releasing Musicology, Prince has maintained quite a prolific recording pace. His most recent efforts have not been good, though. When I was about to listen 20TEN (2010), I felt a little uptight about running into another regular delivery, but I was wrong. This album, while it certainly doesn't reach Prince's greatness, it does offer some very good tunes. The thing about Prince is that he has such an enormous talent, that when he makes records not as good as his previous efforts, they end up being actually very good. 20TEN is appealing, funky and exquisite -the ballads are just beautiful. When you're listening to an album made by one of your favorite artists, you shouldn't be so snob about it, you just have to trust in their artistry and allow yourself to have fun with it.