Francis Poulenc: The Naganos perform an intimate experience

Apart from the human voice, Poulenc’s sophisticated and graceful oeuvre found a great conduit in the piano. If his Piano Concerto is often cited as one of his most successful works, then his Double Piano Concerto confirmed his proficiency at writing for the instrument.  This delightful piece has recently been included in a recording that, more than just an album, represents quite a “family affair”. In Mozart & Poulenc: Double & Triple Piano Concertos, Kent Nagano has led the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, his wife Mari, his sister Momo and his daughter Karin to perform a joyful group of pieces. Even when both composers’ lifetimes are centuries apart, they are bound by a particular mélange of lightness and depth. Some passages of their music are shiny and radiant, while others delve into more serious and introspective affairs.  Poulenc often acknowledged that when he composed his Double Concerto for Piano, he used some works by Mozart -both as reference and guidance. And throughout this concerto you can find traces of this delightful influence, indeed. This is quintessential Poulenc, at the end of the day, so ending up feeling pleased by his music is almost guaranteed. Poulenc’s work is so proficiently performed in this recording that it makes Mozart’s works act more as an accompaniment or complement. The Frenchman’s music sounds clear, balanced and refined, which are exactly the kind of traits that you want a recording like this to reveal. Since I have found this album overflowing with vitality and élan, I feel the duty to encourage you to give it a try. Listening to Poulenc’s music feels like an exercise of hedonism, so allow yourself to indulge with this beauty in the middle of these agitated times we are currently living in.


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